• It was Quite a Show


    The registry:   An unusual event took place last night in lower Manhattan, a rare live public debate about the sex offense registry.  In front of a packed house Emily Horowitz, a sociologist and author of Protecting Our Kids?: How Sex Offender Laws Are Failing Us, went head-to-head with Marci Hamilton, a prominent child safety advocate.  The pair debated this  proposition:  “All the laws requiring those convicted of sex offenses to put their names in a registry should be abolished.” It was quite a show!   And timely – with nearly 900,000 individuals required to sign the registry questions about its effectiveness are growing louder.  Kudos to moderator Gene Epstein and everybody at The Soho Forum as well as co-sponsor Reason for sparking a great discussion!   Check out the archived video, you’ll get to see a carefully built, strong case *against* the registry.  Also below are the informal poll numbers, there was a big shift in the post-debate figures.  -Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire





    Proposition:  All the laws requiring those convicted of sex offenses to put their names in a registry should be abolished.

    Pre-debate Post-debate Change
    Yes 38.89% 72.22% 33.33%
    No 22.22% 15.56% -6.67%
    Undecided 38.89% 12.22% -26.67%

    WAR was represented at the event by our President who commented to Emily afterward, “You knocked it out of the park!”  If she tells you she was nervous it didn’t show.

    Categories: Community, Legislating Morality, News, Statistics and Research

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