Adult Sex Offender Management
The U.S. Department of Justice, July 2015, report shows that sex offender laws are ineffective and create more harms than producing any genuine good. See http://www.smart.gov/pdfs/AdultSexOffenderManagement.pdf
in short—reference last paragraph of article:
In terms of SORN, research to date has exhibited mixed
results on sex offender crime rates and recidivism.
Studies have not adequately controlled for outside
factors that might serve as an alternative explanation
for the observed study outcomes. Future, more rigorous
research on the effects of SORN is needed. Despite
these limitations, there is broad public and policymaker
support for SORN, and a perceived public safety benefit
among these groups. Finally, the evidence is fairly clear
that residence restrictions are not effective. In fact, the
research suggests that residence restrictions may actually
increase offender risk by undermining offender stability
and the ability of the offender to obtain housing, work,
and family support. There is nothing to suggest this
policy should be used at this time.az.WAR note:
It is rare when the US DOJ posts any related information concerning the short coming of their own regulations. So information such as this article is valuable as a tool to fight the registry. This Research Brief is from
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART)The SMART Office is contracted with the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) and a team of subject-matter experts to review the literature on sexual offending and sex offender management and develop summaries of the research for dissemination to the field.
The correlation between the DOJ and SORN is not specified from within the SMART office but it could be assumed that the DOJ does review the findings of SMART upon occasion. So it would be to our advantage to bring these facts to the fore-front of any legal discussion to see how a Judge would review the findings.
When juveniles are found guilty of sexual misconduct Predator Panic Preoccupies Parents
Adult Sex Offender Management
Arizona MVD a Bit Unusual
Make sure you know current requirements. You can go to your Sheriff's Office website to see if there is new information there. If so, we suggest you do a screen print and save it. Call your registry office to get clarification on any questions you might have. Document the date, time, who you spoke with and their instructions regarding any address change, vehicle, employment, travel dates if required, etc.
Keep in mind if you are required to update your drivers license annually through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) you should contact them for their status.
Be safe, be smart, stay healthy and know we will get through this.Stay Updated with Arizona W.A.R.
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