• 2019 Arizona Legislative Session Starts Jan 13th


    Looking forward to the newest Legislature Session so we can start looking at Bills that are to be reviewed.

    The website is: https://apps.azleg.gov/BillStatus/BillOverview

    Keep a look out for any Bills which relate to Judiciary Committee actions containing relational articles of criminal prosecution or felony charges that we can introduce a addition to.

    This is a best-case scenario for WAR to get involved in law changes and help get our voice heard on the highest level. Once a Bill is introduced it must go through many changes and can even be stricken completely and rebuilt to contain a whole new concept of content. If we can help re-word any document presented to the House and Senate, it would be good to help out our citizens who have been penalized incorrectly/unfairly for charges that are based on urban legend or predator panic.

    Session starts January 9th, 2017 and goes to May 7th.

    Here is a synopsis of what we should be doing this year:

    – Keep educating people about our issue
    – Monitor Session for 2017 bills of interest
    – Track Bills and set alerts on those of interest
    – Post bills or alert via email to AZ WAR

    Miscellaneous sources of new bills include audit recommendations, news media investigations or special reports, national legislative organizations such as the National Conference of State Legislators, the American Legislative Exchange Council, or the Council of State Governments.

    When submitting proposal for a Bill change keep your strategy focused on issues that will be presentable and winnable. Utilize Supreme Court decisions to present support of bill.

    • Pull up current bills and see what we can change on the bill.
    • Look at what can be proved to show as case law and/or support a bill.

    Categories: Uncategorized

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